Saturday, September 17, 2016

No One who needs a Computer should be without a Computer....

....When we can source them for free.  There are computers which have had the Hard Drives removed that go into the land fill everyday.  If you create an OS with Linux you can make these machines usable.  I am sharing a talk on how to build these today during the Nashville Maker Faire at the Adventure Science Center.  We have the Linux Lab set up for you to play with and we will be demoing drive creation and talking about how to find free machines.

Here are some of the directions I will be referencing:


My son and I have published a book on the subject for kids with a gentle approach to the vocabulary and methods to avoid the pit falls we ran into when trying to find this information out in the wilds of the internet.  An update with the Ubuntu directions are coming soon.  Find this book at:

Many thanks to Make Nashville, the Adventure Science Center, and BencinStudios (video game creation) for making these talks possible.